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Techblocks Plugins

Techblocks allows thousands of Bubble developers to enrich their apps through a suite of high-quality and easy-to-use plugins.

Bubble marketplace profile for Techblocks plugin developer

When it comes to extending the capabilities of your Bubble app, plugins are essential for getting the most out of the platform. While the Bubble team has provided a suite of default plugins, I personally find these can sometimes be restrictive in both their design and functionality. This is why I’ll often prefer to use plugins created by developers like Techblocks.

Whether you’re looking to add custom charts to visualize data, utilize an embedded code editor, or even integrate your own painting canvas for end-users – Techblocks provides a suite of feature-rich plugins for Bubble developers of any calibre.

Each plugin has an unparalleled level of detail and features, accompanied by a library of helpful documentation to streamline the whole integration process. If you’re familiar with using Bubble plugins, you’ll know first-hand how helpful it can be to follow clearly defined instructions.

Custom charts in using the Techblocks Chart.JS plugin

A Library Of Bubble Plugins

With over 17 plugins available, it’s never been easier to create a memorable experience for users of your app.

I recently experimented with the Techblocks Chart.js plugin, and I was genuinely impressed by the breadth of features it was able to offer. Compared to the default chart plugin by Bubble, the Techblocks version allowed me to build highly specific experiences for a list of unique use cases. The plugin gave me complete control of the styling for my charts, and even allowed me to create custom events when data within the chart was hovered or clicked. If you’re planning to visualize any data within a Bubble app, this is the plugin to use.

Techblocks is also the developer behind the popular Screenshot Image Generator and Custom Toggles plugins. If you’ve ever used the default toggle element within Bubble, you’ll know how limited it is when it comes to functionality and design. The Custom Toggles plugin by Techblocks gives you the ability to completely customize the design styles and animation transition of the enriched toggle element.

Bubble no-code plugin library created by Techblocks developer

Video Tutorials: Fabric.js plugin

Getting Started With Techblocks

After installing a Techblocks plugin, I’d always recommend taking the time to review the documentation guide provided. Here’s an example of the thorough documentation provided for the Chart JS plugin.
Techblocks Chart.JS plugin documentation page

Throughout the documentation page, you’ll not only have access to preview a working version of a plugin, but you’ll also have the ability to review the Bubble editor powering the experience behind the scenes. This allows you to understand how each plugin is designed and configured.

Techblocks Chart.JS plugin development mode preview

Within each demo page, you’ll also find a link to a detailed list of step-by-step instructions. These clear guidelines will help get you up to speed as quickly as possible. Unlike most plugins, you won’t waste time having to self-learn each of its features. Instead, you can stay focused on building and shipping the actual app itself.

Video Tutorials: Charts plugin