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Everything you need to build a successful Bubble freelancing business



Actionable insights & checklists to quickly become a paid Bubble developer.



Immediately kickstart your business with a suite of turn-key templates.



Give your business an unfair advantage by becoming a master of sales, marketing, and project management.



Make a great living as a Bubble freelancer in a matter of weeks

Are you an existing Bubble developer who’d love to earn up to $100/hr as an experienced freelancer?

This complete masterclass teaches everything you need to know about setting up and operating your own no-code freelance business from scratch. This covers everything from;

✅ Sourcing high-quality clients
✅ Improving your sales and negotiation skills to close high-paying projects
✅ Building a portfolio that attracts leads
✅ Scoping & pricing client projects
✅ Gaining confidence as a freelancer
✅ Managing projects & client expectations
✅ Learning how to operate your business internally


18 core modules


10+ hours of on-demand content


6000+ existing Bubble students

Control your own schedule, all while running a profitable business doing what you love 

By this point, you already know how powerful Bubble is at building custom applications.

Not only has Bubble revolutionised the way in which apps can be created, but it’s also changed how companies and brands work with freelancers.

Unlike traditional coding, Bubble makes it possible to build and launch applications in a fraction of the time, at a fraction of the cost.

But of course, you’ve already experienced this first-hand.

But did you know there’s currently an unprecedented demand for Bubble developers who can quickly build and ship MVPs?

It’s expected that it’ll take years before the supply of skilled Bubble developers can finally meet this pent-up demand.

The demand is so pressing that it’s common for Bubble developers to charge up to $100+/hr for their skills.

So what does this mean for you - someone with experience in Bubble? 🤔

There’s truly never been a better time to launch your own freelancing business as a Bubble developer.

With demand at all-time highs, now’s the perfect time to position yourself ahead of the curve.

But of course, building a profitable freelancing business is no easy feat. It requires you to master sales, marketing, project management, your craft as a developer, as well as understand how to manage and deliver client projects.

So how can you simplify the whole process to capitalise on the current opportunity?

Save time, earn more 💸

My freelancing masterclass will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about building and growing your own freelancing business.

It’ll save you months – if not years – of time having to learn how to create, operate, and manage your business from scratch.

You’ll learn from an experienced Bubble developer and teacher who’ll help you earn a full-time income doing what you love.

Whether you’re looking to freelance with clients of your own, or you’d like to contract with an existing no-code agency – monetising your experience as a Bubble developer will never be easier 😎



WAS $749





$798/ Month

Pay in two monthly instalments of $798. You’ll receive lifetime access, plus all future updates.



Pay in full to save upfront. Enjoy lifetime access to the course and all future updates.


The complete masterclass covers literally every detail you need to know about building, launching, and scaling your own Bubble freelancing business.

From learning essential sales skills, understanding how to effectively price projects, managing clients & expectations, managing the internal processes of your freelancing business, and everything else in-between – this full course covers all of the sticky questions you have about building a freelancing business.

Not only will you get lifetime access to over 10 hours of content, but you’ll also have access to proven templates, like;

✅ A portfolio website template
✅ Sales email outreach templates
✅ Client call & negotiation scripts
✅ Internal project management templates
✅ Sales pipeline tracking templates
✅ Project proposal templates
✅ Custom invoice templates
✅ Daily freelance task tracker templates

Bubble no-code freelancing templates

Curious to see what WIll be covered?
You can review the full masterclass overview below 👇

Section 1: Onboarding & expectations
  • You’ll jump on a 30-minute 1-1 call with me (Lachlan 👋) so I can learn more about your current experience with Bubble, as well as your goals as a freelancer.
Section 2: An overview of the current Bubble freelance market
  • I’ll cover why there’s currently so much demand for Bubble no-code freelancers
  • What skills and experiences are the most in-demand
  • What are the best freelance projects to work on
  • I’ll dive deep into the value proposition you can offer as a no-code freelancer
  • You’ll learn the difference between creating your own freelancing business VS contracting as a developer for an existing no-code agency
Section 3: The skills you’ll need as a Bubble freelancer
  • I’ll break down the different levels of freelancing you should follow at the beginning of your journey
  • We’ll learn effective ways to avoid biting off more than you can chew as a freelancer
  • Both the hard and soft skills you’ll need as a Bubble freelancer
  • Which Bubble skills you should master before you start working with clients
Section 4: Building your freelancer portfolio
  • The importance of building an engaging portfolio
  • How to build a portfolio with no existing client experience
  • Step-by-step instructions on exactly what to include within your portfolio
  • How to generate genuine testimonials for your portfolio without any client experience
  • How to optimise your social presence to reflect your portfolio & attract inbound leads
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: A full Bubble-built portfolio website that you can publish in hours
Section 5: Sourcing your first paid clients
  • A checklist of actionable places to source your first paying clients
  • How to create content that will generate inbound leads
  • How to partner with no-code agencies to easily land your first paid projects
Section 6: Mastering cold outreach
  • The importance cold outreach will play within your freelancing business
  • How to craft the perfect cold email – WITH LIVE DEMOS
  • How to craft the perfect follow-up emails to clients
  • The best strategy for optimizing cold outreach responses
  • How to convert cold leads into paying clients
  • How to best manage your sales pipeline
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: Actionable cold outreach examples that you can easily copy & paste
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: Follow-up emails to close leads into paying clients
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: An internal dashboard to manage your sales pipeline
Section 7: Mastering client calls
  • The importance of client calls & how to maximise their effectiveness
  • How to best prepare for client calls in advance
  • How to effectively run a client call
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: A checklist of questions to ask a client throughout a call
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: A checklist of responses for questions a client might ask
  • ✅ LIVE DEMO: How to ask a client tough questions on a call
  • ✅ LIVE DEMO: Actionable responses to tough client questions on a call
Section 8: Building confidence as a freelancer
  • Actionable ways you can build your confidence as a Bubble freelancer
  • How to validate your skills as a Bubble developer
  • Effective ways to manage client expectations in the beginning
Section 9: How to determine your rate
  • Understanding if you should bill hourly or on a per-project basis (the pros & cons to both)
  • Understanding what rate to charge based on your skills & experiences
  • How to avoid undercutting yourself on price
  • How to handle pushback or negotiations from clients
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: Pre-written responses to client pushback or negotiations
  • ✅ LIVE DEMO: How to handle client negotiations on a video call
Section 10: Learning how and when to say NO to clients
  • Which paid freelancing projects you should always turn down
  • How to turn down a client while maintaining a relationship for future opportunities
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: Pre-written responses on how to effectively turn down a client
Section 11: How to scope the work of a project
  • An actionable guide to successfully scope & plan client projects
  • How to maximise profitability when scoping a project
  • How to break a project into multiple sprints
  • How and when to structure key milestones & payment dates
  • How to forecast an accurate timeline for each project
  • Identifying additional questions to help inform your project scope
Section 12: How to create a quote/SOW for a client project
  • Why it’s important to create tangible quotes
  • A key list of exactly what to include within your quotes/SOW (including price & timelines)
  • How to effectively send a quote/SOW to a client
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: Pre-written quotes you can duplicate for your own freelancing business
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: Email script of what to say when sending a client a quote/SOW
Section 13: Invoicing clients
  • How to create and send invoices to clients
  • What to include in a client invoice
  • What systems & tools you can use to process client payments
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: A pre-written invoice that you can duplicate
Section 14: How to manage client projects
  • The importance of effective project management
  • How to create an internal system that effectively manages all of your clients
  • How to manage clients with ongoing updates about project progress
  • Exactly what to include within client updates
  • How to manage ongoing changes a client might request
  • ✅ LIVE DEMO: What to include within a client update
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: A pre-written client update email that you can duplicate
15: How to optimise the building process
  • Why optimising your building process can drive profitability
  • Actionable ways to optimise the time it takes for you to build a client project
16: How to operate your freelancing business
  • How to effectively plan & follow weekly/daily tasks as a full-time freelancer
  • How to track your income & expenses for tax time
  • How to use reminders to manage & stay on top of tasks
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: Income & expenses tracker
  • ✅ TEMPLATE: Custom freelancer productivity checklist for managing tasks
17: How to hand over/close a client project
  • How to publish an app on behalf of a client
  • How to charge clients for ongoing maintenance – helping you maximise expansion revenue
  • How to source a testimonial from a client
18: Graduation summary
  • A 30-minute, 1-1 call to review your new skills, as well as answer any additional questions you might have
  • Receive graduation certificate

Want a taste of the course content for free?

The video below is the full Section 6 (Mastering cold outreach) of the Bubble Freelancing Masterclass.

This video includes a series of actionable insights, live demos, and access to the mentioned templates.

You can get free access to the templates mentioned throughout the video below 👇

Bubble freelancer sales outreach templates

Cold Email Outreach Template

Bubble freelancer sales follow-up emails

Sales Follow-Up Emails

Learn from an experienced Bubble developer 🔥

I’ve spent the past 4 years of my life mastering my craft with Bubble. Throughout this time, I’ve built hundreds of applications, worked directly with clients, and eventually started sharing my Bubble knowledge through a series of courses.

My goal is to condense the years of experience I have into an actionable guide you can quickly implement. I want you to start earning a full-time living as a Bubble developer in a matter of weeks, not years.

My content is direct and to the point. I know your time is valuable, so I don’t fluff around. I cut right to the real shit you actually care about and need to know.

Headshot of Lachlan Kirkwood.
"Really great courses to actually get up and building with Bubble. Lachlan doesn't waste a lot of time with "fluff" information, just the stuff you need to know and why you need to know it. If you're wanting to get up and building something then these are the courses you need to take."
Self-portrait of no-code maker, Marcus Byrd
Marcus Byrd
No-Code Maker
"This course exceeded all the expectations I had when I decided to take it years ago. Lachlan, thank you so much for conceiving and designing the most simple to understand and helpful Bubble courses out there."
Self-portrait of founder, Toyeeb Godo
Toyeeb Godo
"Clear, concise and to the point. As a noob to Bubble I was able to follow along quite easily with the course content and had my cloned app within a day. Lots of concepts learnt here I can already carry over into other projects. If you want to jump into the no-code space, this is a great place to start"
Self-portrait of consultant, Kody Sjöberg
Kody Sjöberg
Lead Consultant



WAS $749




What’s the ROI of the masterclass? 💰

As a full-time Bubble freelancer, it’s completely feasible to earn upwards of $100+/hr.

Based on the cost of the masterclass, this means you’ll make the initial investment back after just 8 hours of contract work.

With all of the actionable insights, demos, templates, and resources I share throughout the course, I’m confident that you’ll easily make back your initial investment after landing your first freelance client.

Don’t believe me, have a look for yourself in the freelance calculator below.

A calculator used to determine the rate of return from the Bubble Freelancing Masterclass

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. In the beginning, this course will only be available to English-speaking countries. While I do plan to release versions with multilingual closed captions, this won’t be available immediately at launch.

Great question. While you certainly won’t need to be in the top 10% of Bubble developers, it’d help if you’re currently familiar with or are learning these Bubble features:

  • Reusable elements
  • Responsive design
  • Database structure
  • Custom events
  • Building single-page apps
  • Backend workflows
  • APIs

Don’t see your question covered above? Feel free to shoot me (Lachlan) an email at lachlan@buildingwithbubble.com.

Simplify Sales With These Turn-key Templates

✅ Pre-written scripts for cold outreach emails

✅ Pre-written replies to client responses

✅ A turn-key dashboard for managing client deal flow

Screenshot of sales templates for Bubble freelancers.