SPOTLIGHT: Jephtah Okezie


16th of September, 2024

We debut Building with Bubble Spotlight series with an inspiring Bubble developer Jephtah Okezie, who turned his curiosity into a powerful career. Read about his journey, the challenges he overcame, and soak in the tips for aspiring Bubble developers. Ready to be inspired? Let’s dive into Jephtah’s story!

What’s your discovery history of and Building with Bubble?

I discovered Bubble about three years ago when I was primarily focused on design and using Figma. My friend, Joseph Brendan, introduced me to the idea of bringing designs to life without coding, which led me to Bubble. Initially, I was drawn to the design side of Bubble, but then I found Lachlan Kirkwood on YouTube. I started with some of his free courses, which taught me the basics of workflows and expressions necessary for a Bubble developer, and then moved on to his full course. Lachlan also introduced me to Adam Goodyer, who I currently work with.

Tell us about the most exciting project that you’ve built or are currently building on Bubble!

The most exciting app I’ve worked on is our APG internal software. It’s been my best project for a lot of reasons. Firstly, it’s the most significant and complex project I’ve tackled. The app includes features like internal messaging, invoicing, project management (from proposal creation to project launch), and many other cool functionalities. We made sure the app fully matched the Figma design, which I’m really proud of. Plus, the app is wrapped into a mobile version, so all agency members have it right on their phones.

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome while building your apps using Bubble? What helped you?

My biggest challenge has been focusing too much on design, sometimes getting stuck on backend workflows. Luckily, I’ve found help through YouTube, the Bubble community, and great mentors.

Anything else you would like to say for fellow Bubblers?

To anyone in the Bubble community, feel free to reach out to me at! I’m open to collaborations, gigs, or just answering any questions you might have.

We are grateful to share Jephtah’s Bubble story and if you enjoyed it as much as we did – stay tuned for another Spotlight post next month!

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